Best ESL Jobs
in China

Public & Private School Positions
Work with Expats who have lived & taught in Asia
Are you a college graduate with a passion for teaching, travelling, and having an adventure? Or, are you TEFL/TESOL/CELTA certified or a licensed teacher looking for an exciting, challenging, and fun opportunity to teach abroad in a public or private school in mainland China?
We at www.bestesljobsinchina.com (BEJIC) provide motivated college graduates the opportunity to start meaningful careers teaching at Chinese public schools and private international kindergartens. All of the public schools we work with are sponsored, licensed, and run by the Chinese government. All 1-year contracts have 30-90 days paid vacation, good pay, and many generous perks (paid round-trip airfare, housing, medical insurance, etc).
During your year (or more) in China, you will have had the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in arguably the most fascinating and dynamic cultures in the world, learned basic to intermediate Mandarin, had an adventure of a lifetime and have assisted in making a meaningful influence on hundreds of students lives. You will also be able to enjoy frequent travel throughout China, as well as it’s neighboring countries during your long vacations during the winter and summer vacations and generous national holidays with your friends and co-workers.
Chinese public schools have two main teacher intakes per year. The first is at the start of the academic year in late August, and the second time is in late February during the start of the Spring semester.
Quality Teaching
About Us
About Us-BEJIC
BEJIC is a one-stop comprehensive organization that is dedicated to assist educators, English teachers, and university graduates to find exciting, stable, and reliable teaching opportunities in mainland China. We pride ourselves on being a boutique expat owned and run recruiting agency that offers a very professional and highly personalized service to all educator candidates regardless of race, religion, age, or sexual orientation. We are a very moral company that always tries to keep to a high standard of always trying to provide the highest quality services to our teachers, right from their initial application, screening, interviewing, placement through to after arriving in China. We also strive to keep in contact with our alumni teachers to ensure that they are having a great experience and to get feedback on how we can improve as a company.
BEJIC only work with public primary/secondary schools, international schools, private international kindergartens, and Chinese government run education organisations that meet and or exceed our high standards. We pride ourselves in having cultivated long relationships with our partner schools, school districts, and educational partners. We make it a point to always thoroughly inspect new partners and complete our due diligence when adding new schools or partners, as well as periodically during our partnerships to ensure that these partner schools and organizations continue to provide top-notch employment opportunities for all of our English teachers and educators.
For those who have or don’t have prior teaching experience in China, all of our placement coordinators provide a streamlined, quick and efficient process, by matching teachers to appropriate teaching positions that match the teacher’s qualifications, education, experience, and placement preferences. We also strive to always provide informative mentoring to teachers who are new to China on what to expect and how to be successful in their new host country and new employment opportunities.

Hey Brad,
It's definitely been an adjustment process, but I think we're done walking around with our mouths open amazed at our surroundings, and trying to recover from jetlag. Thank you so much for this opportunity and for placing Phil and I! The school has been treating us very well. I'm in kindergarten and Phil is upstairs teaching the older kids.
Since we have such different schedules they've agreed to put us in separate apartments, which is great for us. Actually, the assistant director is taking us out to go shopping and then dinner tonight in Beijingl so we can get stocked on the necessities...cool lady. The whole staff has been wonderful in showing us around and making sure we feel comfortable and at home.
Talk soon bro! Pat B, Beijing
Patrick B.
Hi Max!
The school is great! Everything is as good or better than I had hoped. I have lots of work to do and lots of things for me to learn, but the kids are so cute/great that it makes everything a pleasure! (Sometimes a headache-like pleasure, but I'm hoping I'll adjust to the noise level that seems to be the status quo around here). No pictures as of yet, but I could work on that if you'd really like them. Thanks again for all of your amazing help! I've been talking with my friend Tim, and he seems pretty excited about possibly teaching in China too! He really is a great guy and would make a brilliant teacher over here. I hope you find him someplace as nice as you found for me! The school is great. You're welcome to use anything I've said, of course. I've got the best set-up of anyone I've met here...which is, of course, why I recommended you so strongly to Tim.
Thanks again for your amazing help!
Lucas P.
Hey Brad,
I had a general idea of what to expect when I chose to come to Korea to teach English, but the actual experience is far different from anything you could imagine. Whatever your goal in your stay, it can be easily accomplished, while gaining more that you might not realize until reflection.
I would highly recommend establishing what you want from your experience, listing what you need to make your stay the best possible, and utilizing agents like Brad and Max who have been there themselves, and are making themselves open to help you get the most out of your time abroad. Once you make the decision, I can guarantee it will not be one you will regret.
Also, don't forget to travel around and see as much as you can during you time in country!
Scott G. Guangzhou
Scott G.